La motivación del colectivo arbitral en fútbol: un estudio cualitativo

I. Alonso-Arbiol, N. Arratibel, E. Gómez


The aim of this study was to assess soccer referees initial, continuing and drop-out motivations using a qualitative methodology. A total of 19 former soccer referees from different categories were interviewed to this end. Enrolment in refereeing is related to a previous contact with the sport in several cases, and money is not considered an important incentive for enrolling nor for continuing in the activity. The most satisfying elements are: personal relationships within the refereeing family and doing a good job on the pitch. Some ex-referees display distrust toward the refereeing organization, especially as regards to the distribution of matches and the promotion of mechanisms. Aggressions are present in refereeing, which diminishes motivation, however, dropping out comes from a confluence of factors.

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Copyright (c) 2008 I. Alonso-Arbiol, N. Arratibel, E. Gómez