Efecto de la práctica de actividad física y de la participación deportiva sobre el estilo de vida saludable en la adolescencia en función del género

I. Castillo, I. Balaguer, M. García-Merita


The objective of the study consists in analysing the effect of physical activity and sport on adolescents healthy lifestyles. The study was conducted with a representative sample of teenagers between 11 and 15 years of age (N =967) from the Community of Valencia and the instrument used was the Spanish translation (Balaguer, 2000, 2002) of an adaptation of the Inventory of Health Behaviours in School-Age Children (Wold, 1995). The hypothesis was posited that both physical activity as well as sport will be negatively related to the consumption of health-endangering substances (tobacco, alcohol and cannabis) and an unhealthy diet and positively to a healthy diet. The results provide information on the implications that both practices have on the classic health behaviours that make up the adolescent lifestyle.

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Copyright (c) 2007 I. Castillo, I. Balaguer, M. García-Merita