The role of basic psychological needs in predicting dispositional flow of basketball players in training. Differences by sex

Javier Coterón, Javier Sampedro, Evelia Franco, Javier Pérez-Tejero, Ignacio Refoyo


The objectives of this study were: a) analyze the influence of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs on dispositional flow in athletes in training and b) to study possible differences in the explanation of this relationship by sex of the participants. Questionnaires PNSE and FFS were administered to 131 basketball players in training. Results indicated that: a) boys showed higher levels of autonomy than girls; b) competence emerged as a predictor of flow in both samples, c) among boys, autonomy was also a predictor of flow.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Javier Coterón, Javier Sampedro, Evelia Franco, Javier Pérez-Tejero, Ignacio Refoyo