Factors associated with compliance with physical activity recommendations among adolescents in Huesca

Berta Murillo Pardo, Enrique García-Bengoechea, Alberto Aibar Solana, José Antonio Julián Clemente, Luis García González, José Martín-Albo, Sergio Estrada Tenorio


BACKGROUND: Schools have been identified as environments of choice for physical activity promotion. This study examines factors associated with compliance with objectively assessed physical activity recommendations for early adolescents taking part in “Sigue la Huella”, a school-based intervention guided by a social ecological framework and Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002). METHODS: A total of 200 students (108 boys) aged 12-13 years (M = 12.16; SD = ± 0.51), wore accelerometers during a 7-day period and completed a questionnaire. Participants were considered compliant to the recommendations if their moderate to vigorous physical activity, averaged over 7 days, was ≥60 minutes a day. RESULTS: 57.4% of boys and 9.9% of girls met recommendations. In a mixed logistic regression model, compliance was higher among boys and students attending private schools, and lower for obese students. Compliance was also associated with higher perceptions of physical competence, higher perceptions of autonomy in physical education, greater importance attached to physical education and less sedentary behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Assessed objectively, gender differences in compliance with physical activity recommendations were greater than expected. Self-Determination Theory emerged as a useful framework to identify motivational factors that can be addressed in school-based physical activity interventions and programs for early adolescents.


moderate to vigorous physical activity; early adolescence; accelerometry; motivation; physical education.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Berta Murillo Pardo, Enrique García-Bengoechea, Alberto Aibar Solana, José Antonio Julián Clemente, Luis García González, José Martín-Albo, Sergio Estrada Tenorio