Jueces y oficiales de regatas a vela, motivaciones, percepciones y formación

Jordi Renom, Andy Halcón


This is a preliminary exploratory study of the perceptions and beliefs of Spanish sailing race judges and officials. All modalities of sailboat races are complex activities that require members of race and protest committees to be highly organised and prepared. With this goal in mind, most current training programmes for judges, officials, referees and measurers mainly focus on t technical knowledge and the correct application of yacht racing rules. However, sport officiating also requires other personal skills to manage and solve, usually under pressure, situations produced on board and on land.This papers main aim was to compile information on the motivations, feelings and beliefs of 170 Spanish sailing judges and officials recognised by Spanish Sailing National Authority (RFEV) through a brief qualitative questionnaire. This information allows the needs and new content for future training programmes that include psychological skills to be identified.

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Copyright (c) 2007 Jordi Renom, Andy Halcón