Orientaciones de meta en las clases de educación física: un análisis centrado en la educación secundaria obligatoria

L. Navas, J. A. Soriano, F. P. Holgado


This paper explores the subject of motivation in educational environments, more specifically in physical education. The research study it describes is based on the concept of goal perspectives (Nicholls, 1984, Dweck and Legget, 1988, Ames, 1984, Duda, 1992), and the purpose of the study was to identify the (task or ego) goal orientations shown by secondary school students in physical education classes, together with any possible differences based either on gender or the academic stage in the students education. The sample was composed of 203 secondary school students who all answered the POSQ questionnaire. From the results that were obtained, both goal orientations were observed, with a task-basedorientation predominating. It was also shown that boys are more ego oriented than girls.

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Copyright (c) 2007 L. Navas, J. A. Soriano, F. P. Holgado