Un cuestionario para la evaluación psicológica de la ejecución deportiva: estudio complementario entre TCT y TRI

A. Hernández Mendo


This work shows the construction and scaling of a questionnaire designed to profile the psychological skills of athletes in different sports. The questionnaires theoretical interest lies in the complementary interaction of three current psychometric theories: the Classical Test Theory (CTT), the Item Response Theory (IRT) and the Generalizability Theory (GT). From an applied perspective, the questionnaire allows psychological profiles of sport performances to be constructed parsimoniously. The questionnaire was administered to 860 participants in different sports (athletics, mountain biking, martial arts, cycling, swimming, football, basketball, handball, volleyball, triathlon, aerobics and water polo) and showed that 1) the results fit the GLM, 2) the model has adequate adjustment indexes, and satisfactory reliability and generalizability, and 3) it estimates the constructs properly under the assumptions of the IRT.

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Copyright (c) 2007 A. Hernández Mendo