Factores psicológicos vulnerabilidad a las lesiones deportivas: un estudio futbolistas

A. Olmedilla, C. García, F. Martínez


The main focus of this study was to analyze the different psychological factors considered important in explaining the risks of injury that professional and semi-professional soccer players are exposed to while playing their sport.Two hundred seventy-eight soccer players were the object of study. One questionnaire was used to evaluate psychological factors and another was used to collect data on injuries soccer players had suffered in the last three years. The results indicate that concentration is a variable that discriminates meaningfully between injured and uninjured soccer players. An evaluation of sport performance showed a meaningful relationship to very severe injures within the group of injuredplayers, it also showed a trend towards statistical significance between self-confidence and anxiety variables and the total number of injures.

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Copyright (c) 2007 A. Olmedilla, C. García, F. Martínez