A perceptive-motor training program to improve the handball goalkeeper effectiveness

Antonio Antúnez Medina, María del Mar García Parra, Francisco Manuel Argudo Iturriaga, Encarnación Ruiz Lara, José Luis Arias Estero


This study aimed to analyze the application of a perceptive-motor training program effect in the handball goalkeeper and value the efficacy of it, differentiating the moments of its application, under conditions of real practice. A quasi-experimental case design of type A-B-A was utilized whit a female goalkeeper. The trained specialist registered the data in real time individually and after, watching the games recorded, out agreed by consensus. The ANOVA showeddifferences (p < 0.05) between the three phases with respect to the effectiveness about shooting made from right lateral, left lateral and center; effectiveness about shooting made with opposition in proximity and at a distance; and global effectiveness. The female goalkeeper improved during the moment of application of the training program (p < 0.05). And the improvement remained (p < 0.05) with respect to the effectiveness about shooting made from right lateral, left lateral and center; after the cessation of this program.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Antonio Antúnez Medina, María del Mar García Parra, Francisco Manuel Argudo Iturriaga, Encarnación Ruiz Lara, José Luis Arias Estero