Relationship in adolescents between physical self-concept and participating in sport

Onofre Contreras, Juan Fernandez, Luis Miguel Garcia, Pere Palou, Javier Ponseti


This study analyses the relationship between regular participation in sport and physical self-concept. The Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire (Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico – CAF) and the Intensity of Sport Motivation Questionnaire were administered to 400 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. The data were analysed through an analysis of the average scores and variances on the different scales of the questionnaire. The results show that the adolescents who participate in sport on a regular basis (at least once a week) had higher perceptions of their self-concept, both general and physical, compared with those who do not usually participate in sport. The adolescents who participate in sport on a regular basis scored higher on all the CAF scales. Moreover, frequency of participation, length of training sessions, years of play, satisfaction and pleasure in playing sport are positively related to general and physical self-concept. These positive relations occurred in all the CAF scales, although differences were more significant on the Sport Performance and Physical Condition scales.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Onofre Contreras, Juan Fernandez, Luis Miguel Garcia, Pere Palou, Javier Ponseti