Interactive effects of cohesion on the perceived efficacy, expectations of success and performance of basketball teams

Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos, Tomás Garcia Calvo, Isabel Parejo González, Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel, David Sánchez Oliva


This work examines the relationships among cohesion and self-efficacy, collective efficacy, perceived efficacy by peers and coaches, expectations of success and collective performance. The sample was made up of 61 participants belonging to 6 league basketball teams. Different instruments were used to assess cohesion, perceived efficacy and expectations of success. Performance was measured by their final classifications. The results showed a positive relationship between perceived efficacy and the four factors of cohesion, both as regards social and task aspects. Furthermore, players who perceived a higher level of cohesion were associated with participants who perceived higher expectations of success and performed better.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos, Tomás Garcia Calvo, Isabel Parejo González, Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel, David Sánchez Oliva