Relationship between self-concept and the physical fitness of third-cycle primary school students

Felix Guillen, Montserrat Ramirez Gomez


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-image and the physical condition or fitness of 10 to 13-year-old children. The sample consisted in 75 third-cycle primary school students, 36 of whom were girls and 39 were boys. A battery of tests on physical fitness and Piers-Harris self-Concept scale were applied. The results partially confirmed the relationship between self-concept and physical condition. There were no differences as regards gender, but several differences by age appeared. In general, older pupils displayed a better self-concept. The results in the abdominal fitness test showed a positive relationship with the behaviour and happiness dimensions of self-concept. similarly, subjects with higher agility scores showed a higher intellectual self-concept.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Felix Guillen, Montserrat Ramirez Gomez