Effects of a training program in communication stules of basketball coaches

Angela Mora Avila, Jaume Cruz Feliu, Miquel Torregrosa


Based on a positive communication style approach, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a training program on a sample of basketball coaches in practices and matches. Participants were 5 coaches with a mean age of 39.8 years (SD = 8, 6) and a mean experience of 9 years (SD = 5). Results show that after the training program coaches improved their supportive behaviors; and 4 of the 5 coaches decreased punitive behaviors; and increased technical instructions contingent to mistakes. The discussion is based on the effectiveness of a customized training program to improve the communication skills of the coaches and the importance of this improvement to promote the sports experience of their players.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Angela Mora Avila, Jaume Cruz Feliu, Miquel Torregrosa