Analysis of critical moments in the league ACB 2007-08

Rafael Manuel Navarro, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Miguel Angel Gómez Ruano, Jaime Sampaio


The aim of this paper was to identify the variables that determine winning or losing in the critical moments of the basketball games. A total of forty one critical moments were analyzed, corresponding to 30 games of the regular season from the Spanish Professional League (ACB, season 2007-2008). Games were selected according to the definition of critical moments (described in the available literature), which corresponded to overtime and the last 5 minutes of games with score differences equal or below to six points. The results revealed better values in the winners in defensive rebounds and successful free-throws.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Rafael Manuel Navarro, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Miguel Angel Gómez Ruano, Jaime Sampaio