Basketball training content according to stages in long-term athletic training

Nuno Leite, Miguel Gómez, Alberto Lorenzo, Jaime Sampaio


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance basketball coaches confer to training and drill items across the developmental stages followed by the players. The sample was composed of 185 basketball coaches who work with male and female players. Accordingly to the objectives of the study, data was collected using a questionnaire previously validated by specialists in sport sciences. regarding the technical items, significant differences were found in basic and specific movements and in basic defensive movements, probably due to the importance they were given by coaches working in the initial stages of athletic development (mainly with athletes of up to 14 years of age). Concerning tactical items, differences between coaches were found in offensive superiority games and defensive superiority games, as well in offensive and defensive tactical work. In boys basketball, higher averages were obtained in conditional capacities; while in girls’ basketball, higher values prevailed in coordinative capacities. Lastly, the results from the drill items revealed significant differences in importance given by coaches to drill length, decision making and enjoyment.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Nuno Leite, Miguel Gómez, Alberto Lorenzo, Jaime Sampaio