Spanish version of the revised movement image questionnaire (MIQ-r): psychometric properties and validation

Alfredo Campos, María Ángeles González


The purpose of this study was twofold: first to evaluate the factors and distribution of the items in the Spanish version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised (MIQ-R) and second, to determine internal consistency and its correlation with other measures of imagery ability. A total of 201 undergraduate students were given the Spanish version of the MIQ-R and the factorial analysis revealed that the questionnaire consisted of two factors corresponding to the visual and kinaesthetic subscales, which together explained 66.11% of the total variance. Test consistency was satisfactory in terms of the total test score and both subscales. The MIQ-R had a correlation of -.34 with the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire (VMIQ), and -.26 with the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ). The Spanish version of the MIQ-R is a good instrument for measuring movement imagery.

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Copyright (c) 1970 Alfredo Campos, María Ángeles González