Psychometric properties of the peer motivational climate in youth sport Questionnaire (PeerMCYSQ) with a sample of Spanish athletes

Juan Antonio Moreno, Luis Conte, Celestina Martínez, Néstor Alonso, David González-Cutre, Eduardo Cervelló


The purpose of this study was to adapt and validate the Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport Questionnaire (PeerMCYSQ) within the context of Spanish sport. we used a sample of 474 young federated athletes between the ages of 12 and 16 years who participated in both individual and group sport competitions. Different confirmatory factorial analyses, an analysis of internal consistency and an analysis of criteria validity were conducted. The results showed the need to remove two items from the original version to obtain acceptable fit indices. The three-factor model was proposed as the most appropriate: task-involvement climate, ability/competition and intrateam conflict. The results of the analysis of criteria validity showed that both the task climate as well as the climate that enhanced competition positively predicted perceived ability/competition, which, in turn, positively predicted self-determined motivation. In addition, intra-team conflict negatively predicted self-determined motivation, both directly and mediated through perceived competition.

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Copyright (c) 1970 Juan Antonio Moreno, Luis Conte, Celestina Martínez, Néstor Alonso, David González-Cutre, Eduardo Cervelló