Coding system and analysis of the quality of data for an inclusive intervention in physical education

Jorge Miguel Fernández Cabrera, Carmen Rosa Sánchez López, Francisco Jiménez Jiménez, Vicente Navarro Adelantado, María Teresa Anguera Argilaga


This study analyzes the influence of an educational intervention to include students with physical disabilities in physical education in secondary education. Little or no involvement in this area may have negative effects on the development of basic motor skills and social relationships, as well as an adverse impact on the self, body image and confidence in these students’ personal potential (autonomy). The research design followed an A-B model consisting in two teaching units mediated by collaborative action research. We present an ad hoc category system for observing, coding and analyzing the educational intervention. On the basis of these results, we conclude that adopting inclusive strategies within a collaborative process will not only promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in the sessions, but may be a model of lifelong learning that enables the improvement of teacher engagement with practice.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Jorge Miguel Fernández Cabrera, Carmen Rosa Sánchez López, Francisco Jiménez Jiménez, Vicente Navarro Adelantado, María Teresa Anguera Argilaga