Precompetitive mood and perceived performance in paralympic boccia

Ricardo De la Vega, Álvaro Galán, Roberto Ruiz, Carlos Mª Tejero


This study examines the mood profile of the Spanish National Boccia team at the Paralympics in Beijing ‘08. We describe athletic performance perceived by the team, both in individual and collective competitions. To measure mood scale we used the POMS, and for sports performance estimation a scale of perceived technical performance was made by coaches and athletes. The results show a stable pattern of non-emotional disturbance, although degree of depression was statistically higher in collective competition as opposed to individual competition, and fatigue was associated with perceived athletic performance in individual competition. We discuss the results and outline the importance of deepening the relationship between mood and perceived performance in highly competitive environments for people with disabilities.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Ricardo De la Vega, Álvaro Galán, Roberto Ruiz, Carlos Mª Tejero