Skin conductance in precision sports and team sports. A preliminary study

Amparo Pozo, Brezo Cortes, Ángel Martín Pastor


Skin conductance is a sensitive measure of sympathetic activity and the “gold standard” in the measurement of arousal. It is known that performance in different sports needs different energy states depending on the task each type of sport demands. The present study compares the skin conductance of athletes competing in precision sports with players of team sports. Sports performance quality is categorized as low, middle or high ac- cording to the judgment of the trainers. Skin conductance measures were recorded during baseline resting period and while athletes were asked emotional questions about their last competition. The results show differences in the high performance group: team players show greater electrodermal activity than precision sport athletes.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Amparo Pozo, Brezo Cortes, Ángel Martín Pastor