Psychological wellbeing and psychopathology: a case study of intervention with coaching staff and players at a tennis club

Alicia Elena Romero Carrasco, Robert John Brustad, Rolando Zapata Campbell, Cecilia Aguayo Cuevas, Francisco García Ucha


Due to their intensive sporting activities, athletes might not only experience positive outcomes and a state of psychological wellbeing but also a considerable amount of stress which can contribute to psychopathological states. Research into psychopathology in sport is a relatively recent field of study and investigations have focused rather narrowly on a few limited areas of study. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of psychological intervention after a young tennis player experienced a manic episode which affected the emotional wellbeing of other individuals from the same sporting environment, including the coaches and other athletes. The intervention, directed at the coaching staff and athletes, was based on the Psychological Wellbeing Model developed by Carol Ryff.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Alicia Elena Romero Carrasco, Robert John Brustad, Rolando Zapata Campbell, Cecilia Aguayo Cuevas, Francisco García Ucha