Observational software, data quality control and data analysis

Antonio Hernández Mendo, Julen Castellano Paulis, Oleguer Camerino, Gudberg Jonsson, Ángel Blanco-Villaseñor, María Teresa Anguera Argilaga


At present, researchers who wish to apply computerized observational procedures within the context of the observational methodology face numerous difficulties. These difficulties stem from the versatility of the data, the recording of images, and the lack of immediate results. This paper takes both a retrospective and forward look at the field, discussing the interconnectivity that has been achieved through observational software developed in recent years. Specifically, it examines progress in the way in which levels of behaviour are selected, changed and suppressed (criteria and categories/codes), the import and export of data records from one programme to another, and the inclusion of calculation processes.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Antonio Hernández Mendo, Julen Castellano Paulis, Oleguer Camerino, Gudberg Jonsson, Ángel Blanco-Villaseñor, María Teresa Anguera Argilaga