Perceptions of Fitness Professionals regarding Fitness Occupations and Careers: A Phenomenological Analysis

António Rosado, Duarte Araújo, Isabel Mesquita, Abel Correia, Francisco Mendes, Félix Guillén


The purpose of this study was to examine the fitness professional’s representations about their professions and careers. Sixteen Portuguese Fitness Instructors (M age = 28 years old) participated in semi structured interviews pertaining to their representations about their profession. Data were thematically analyzed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (Smith & Osborn, 2003). The participants approached subjects like, professional profile functions, profile and competences, social, group and organizational factors and personal factors affecting their profession and labor market, social and economic perspectives about their job. The interviews analysis allowed the elaboration of an exhaustive phrasal list, expressing opinions and ideas of the interviewed, which have been organized and integrated in categories previously defined, originating a sub-themes grid. The study has high- lighted some specificity of the profession that should be considered at a more general level, with significant implications in the professional orientation of young people, in the organization of workflows, and in the training and organization of the professional activity as a whole.

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Copyright (c) 2013 António Rosado, Duarte Araújo, Isabel Mesquita, Abel Correia, Francisco Mendes, Félix Guillén