Effects of summary knowledge of results in motor skills acquisition

Márcio Mário Vieira, Herbert Ugrinowitsch, Lívia Gongçalves Gallo, Maria Flavia Soares Pinto Carvalho, Marluce Aparecida Fonseca, Rodolfo Novellino Benda


The effects of the summary Knowledge of Results (KR) was tested by 30 volunteers in a positioning task that required transport one tennis ball in a specific sequence with a target time of 3000 msec. for 30 trials. Ten minutes after acquisition phase transfer test was performed with 10 trials of the different sequence and target time. The retention test was 24 h later with 10 trials of the same sequence and target time of the acquisition phase. In transfer and retention tests KR was not provided. The volunteers were randomly divided in three groups: G5 (KR every five trials); G3 (KR every three trials) and G100 (KR every trial). The results showed that G3 had smaller absolute error than G100. Moreover, G3 and G5 had smaller constant error than G100. In general, G3 and G5 effects on motor skill acquisition can be caused by the smaller KR frequency, which was 33% and 20%, respectively.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Márcio Mário Vieira, Herbert Ugrinowitsch, Lívia Gongçalves Gallo, Maria Flavia Soares Pinto Carvalho, Marluce Aparecida Fonseca, Rodolfo Novellino Benda