Sport with global positioning devices (GPS): aplications and limitations

Julen Castellano, David Casamichana


In this paper a non-exhaustive review of the applicability and the limitations of GPS devices in sport have been detailed. The work explains the key aspects that technicians and researchers in this setting should keep in mind about the features of this kind of system while they maximize their advantages. The issues addressed are the following: operation, limitations, alternatives in the types of variables that they can register, opportunities to sync with video files or to see 2D representation of the players motion in the field (for more detailed analysis), and the possibility to use in 'real time'. Furthermore, the GPS technology is taking its first steps to provide information not only about the physical or energy demands from the athletes, but also about collective behaviour that players and teams use in their activity (match, small-side games, etc.). Knowing their limitations and maximizing their applications, users would be able to obtain big benefits from the GPS devices in order to apply them in training and match analysis of performance. This technology can help coaches and athletes in the development of their jobs or activities with accuracy, immediacy and informational wealth.


Integrated technology; Reliability; Validity; Accuracy; Physical activity.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Julen Castellano, David Casamichana