Personality factors and bodybuilding: indicators associated vigorexia

Rosario Castro-López, David Molero, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez


The present study deals with different aspects of the personality of the athlete which can be decisive for the competition or sports practice, as well as for the appearance of pathologies related to the exercise. To this must be added the certainty that there are sports that tend to "demand" a few different personal characteristics, as it is the case of bodybuilding. The objective is to present an approach to the profile of an athlete's fitness and personality factors associated with the occurrence of possible pathologies related to sports, like the vigorexia. Constituted the sample 154 sportsmen of bodybuilding in the province of Jaen, which provided us data through questionnaires auto-applied (Neo-ffi) personality and Vigorexia (Adonis). The results show how these factors can be found as linked to the concern by body image, that can reach such conduct become pathological. Aspects reflected in the study clarify the knowledge on the subject treated and are invited to work in the prevention and treatment of athletes.


Personality; Reverse anorexia; Bodybuilding.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Rosario Castro-López, David Molero, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez