Historical Perspective about ISSP from 1968-1985 and the Presidency of Bob Singer (1985-1993)

Sidónio Serpa, Juan Pons


The functioning of the ISSP Managing Council (MC) during the early years was influenced to some degree by the Cold War. MC members were determined according to their acknowledged expertise and reputation, but also in respect to their country and political representation. Bob Singer was elected to be a member of the MC in 1977 at the congress in Prague. It was the first time that voting at the general assembly meeting was agreed upon for nominating and voting for MC members together with those members designated by the former MC. In 1985 he was elected as the third president of ISSP. A new phase in ISSP started and new goals were established. A more democratic style of communication and interactions among MC members were stimulated, agendas for the MC meetings were well organized, promotion of the ISSP’s mission all over the world was developed, new publications were produced, and new relations with other parts of the world as well as with other organizations were promoted.


ISSP; managing council; Bob Singer; sport psychology

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