The relationship between perceived exertion, physical activity and quality of life in older women

David A. Sumpter, Alfonso J. García González, Jesús del Pozo Cruz


This paper highlights the relationship between perceived exertion, physical activity, and quality of life in a sample of 14 Spanish older adults. In relation to the Back Scratch Test, there was a significantly positive correlation between total energy expenditure (METs) and the reported perception of exertion (RPE) as measured by the Borg Scale 6-20. In regards to the relationship between health related quality of life and the Borg Scales, there was a significant negative relationship found during the 30-s Chair Stand Test between the component of the SF-36 Physical Role and the Borg Scale 0-10. In regards to the relationship between the dimensions of health related quality of life and the Borg Scales, there was a significant negative relationship found between the Visual Analogical Score (VAS) and the Borg Scale 0-10 during the 30-s Chair Stand Test. Similarly, there was a significant negative relationship found between the VAS and the Borg Scale 6-20 during the 8-ft-up-and-go Test. The most important finding of the present study was that RPE during functional exercises may significantly influence the perception of quality of life in older adults.


perceived exertion; physical activity; quality of life; older women; health education

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Copyright (c) 2015 David A. Sumpter, Alfonso J. García González, Jesús del Pozo Cruz