Heart rate analysis of high level basketball players during training sessions

Rubén Dehesa, Alejandro Vaquera, José Vicente García-Tormo, Paula Bayón


The aim of the study was to assess through the heart rate (HR) the intensity of training sessions with elite basketball players. Eleven basketball players belonging to a Leb Oro team used HR monitors during 12 training sessions providing 238 HR files. In each exercise the number of players, type of exercise, type of defense, dimensions of the field and time were analyzed, calculating their HRmax, % HRmax, HRmed, and % HRmed depending on their specific positions (Guard, Forward and Centers). No significant differences were found based on the number of players or dimensions of the field, however more intensity was observed in the individual defense (p < .01). Moreover, there is a tendency to have greater intensity at SUP and INF drills. Centers reached the highest intensity in drills with more spaces (1x1, 2x2, SUP, INF) while Guards showed greater intensity in 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 drills. The results of this study will help improve the planning and scheduling of workouts


Basketball; Small-Sided-Games; Heart Rate

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Copyright (c) 2015 Rubén Dehesa, Alejandro Vaquera, José Vicente García-Tormo, Paula Bayón