Factors of disagreement between coaches and players of a high-level basketball team when assessing individual session perceived exertions

Raúl Martínez-Santos, Asier Los Arcos, Luismari Sautu


The main objective of this study was to evaluate the concordance between the coaches and the players of a Spanish highlevel female basketball team when evaluating the hardness of practice sessions looking into the factors that could modulate the alleged biases of the coaches. The three staff members severely underestimated the players’ session perceived exertion, which meant that, as a group, they were not capable of planning the desired intensity along the registered period. Furthermore, this study allowed us to detect what aspects of coaching knowledge should deserve more attention with each staff members if we desired less biased judgments about the players’ perceptions, who were the most relevant and common source of bias.


Session-RPE; Team sport; Coaching process

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Copyright (c) 2015 Raúl Martínez-Santos, Asier Los Arcos, Luismari Sautu