Effect of sport practice on the relationship between motor skills, physical self-concept, and multidimensional self-concept
Based on a modification of EXSEM (Exercise and Self-Esteem Model), this paper analyses the effect of sport and physical practice on the relationship between motor skills, physical self-concept and multidimensional self-concept. The Self-Concept Questionnaire AF5 and five specific physical tests were completed by 698 adolescents. Using structural equation models, the relationship between five motor skills and self-concept, considered global and multidimensional form (composed of five dimensions: physical, academic, family, social and emotional) was analysed. The results showed that better motor skills involved higher scores for physical self-concept and, therefore, for the other dimensions of self concept. No differences in multi-group analysis between the practitioner of physical or sport activity group and non-practitioner group were found, although the former showed better scores on all variables considered, apart from perceptual-motor skills. The study confirms the EXSEM relational structure and highlights the benefits of including a multidimensional measure of self-concept and the objective measurement of physical variables.
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