Self-concept, physical activity and family: Analysis of a structural equation model

Félix Zurita Ortega, Manuel Castro Sánchez, Jose Ignacio Álvaro González, Sonia Rodríguez Fernández, Antonio José Pérez Cortés


This study was made to carry out a psychosocial analysis of self-concept in Spanish adolescents, simultaneously considering personal, physical, sports, family and academic variables. The participants were 2,134 adolescents of both genders, from twenty Secondary Schools, aged between 15 and 18 years old. A structural equation model was made that explained the variance at 63.12% and explored the effect that physical activity had using the dimensions of the Autoconcepto Forma-5 (AF-5) Test by García and Musitu (1999). The results show that the model was correctly adjusted and that, out of all the dimensions, family has the greatest weight and that the practice of physical activity is not a cause of other variables in the model.


Self-Concept; Adolescents; Family; Physical activity

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Copyright (c) 2016 Félix Zurita Ortega, Manuel Castro Sánchez, Jose Ignacio Álvaro González, Sonia Rodríguez Fernández, Antonio José Pérez Cortés