Transformational leadership on the athletic field: An international review

Octavio Álvarez, Isabel Castillo, Vladimir Molina-García, Gloria Balagué


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the international literature that used the paradigm of transformational leadership in the context of physical activity (PA) and sport. A bibliometric and content of all international publications (N = 28) analysis is performed by classifying research based on various parameters such as the contexts (high performance sports, educational/recreational sports, varsity sports, school/within-class of physical education), role of the leader studied (coaches, teachers/instructors, peers, parents), population (adolescents and adults), and variables that have been associated with transformational leadership style. This study supported the interest and applicability of transformational leadership paradigm in PA and sport context. Implications and future research are discussed.


Transformational leadership theory; Physical activity; Sports; Physical education

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Copyright (c) 2016 Octavio Álvarez, Isabel Castillo, Vladimir Molina-García, Gloria Balagué