Does the football matter? An insight into football behaviour

Jaume García Villar, Levi Pérez Carcedo, Plácido Rodríguez Guerrero


This paper analyses the role of the composition of the coupon in the demand for Spanish football pools (La Quiniela). As La Quiniela players are expected to use their football knowledge in the process of selecting matches results, the inclusion of editions of the game in which the teams listed in the coupon are unfamiliar may negatively affect La Quiniela sales. Empirical findings confirm that the link of the pools to the composition of the coupon matters. Additionally, the net revenue effect of the inclusion of new La Quiniela fixtures is also studied concluding that it seems to be in favour of the operator.


football pools; player’s behaviour; composition of the coupon; jackpot

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Copyright (c) 2016 Jaume García Villar, Levi Pérez Carcedo, Plácido Rodríguez Guerrero