Perception of exertion in minibasket bases on cineanthropometry and gender

Maite Fuentes Azpiroz, Ana Concepción Jiménez Sánchez, Sebastián Feu Molina, Julio Calleja-González


The present study has analyzed the perception of the effort (RPE) depending on gender and the (body-mass index) index of corporal mass (BMI) in minibasket players during the final phase of a competition. The participants were 150 voluntary sportsmen, (67 children and 83 girls). There were realized a total of 230 RPE’s records among all the played parties. For the record of the RPE there was in use the pictorial scale of Eston and Parfitt (2007). The height (cm) was calculated using by a tallimeter and the body mass with body mass scale, both of the model IT DRIES? (Germany); the (BMI) was calculated from the measurements of height and weight. One developed a descriptive study and inferences of the RPE of the party depending on the gender and the (BMI). A logistic regression multinomial model was implemented, the odds ratio was calculated and the intervals of confidence to 95 % to establish the degree of association between the RPE and the variables that have been an object of study. The results described that the boys presented an average height of 152,67 ± 7,94 cm and a body mass of 43,7 ± 5,96 kg and for the girls 154,76 ± 7,72 cm of height and 43,7 ± 7,14 kg of body mass. With regard to the perception of the effort, RPE’s average observed was 4,41 ± 1,61, placing the trend of the average values of every period between RPE = 4 and RPE = 5, with a standard deviation between 1,60 and 1,95. Significant differences were not observed depending on the kind, though the girls present a RPE lightly superior to that of the boys.


Minibasket; RPE; BMI; gender

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Copyright (c) 2017 Maite Fuentes Azpiroz, Ana Concepción Jiménez Sánchez, Sebastián Feu Molina, Julio Calleja-González