Analysis of resilience, self-concept and motivation in judo as gender

Felix Zurita Ortega, Edson Orlando Zafra Santos, Pedro Valdivia Moral, Sonia Rodríguez Fernández, Manuel Castro Sánchez, Jose Joaquín Muros Molina


The aim of the study was to determine and analyze the relationships between motivational climate, physical self-concept and resilience, based on gender. 148 judokas participated with a mean age of 23.09 years (SD = 6.731) of Chile. Completed questionnaires motivational climate (PMCSQ-2), physical self (AF 5) and resilience (CD-RISC). For statistical analysis, structural equations were used, performed by multi group (male and female). The results indicated acceptable goodness of fit of the model, it was determined that the correlation between climate and ego climate task is higher in women, they consider that when the motivational climate increases increases its own physical self and generated an increase in feelings satisfaction to the task and that men increased physical self causes higher levels of resilience than in women.


Judo; Motivational Climate; Self-Concept; Resilence; Gender

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Copyright (c) 2017 Felix Zurita Ortega, Edson Orlando Zafra Santos, Pedro Valdivia Moral, Sonia Rodríguez Fernández, Manuel Castro Sánchez, Jose Joaquín Muros Molina