Validation of an observational instrument for shooting streaks in basketball

Ernesto Moreno, Miguel A. Gomez Ruano


The purpose of this research is to design and validate an ad-hoc observational instrument to analyze shooting streaks in professional basketball. The instrument and its validation was developed in five steps. In the first step a preliminary list of candidates variables was made. In the second step a pilot observation was done to refine or include new variables. In the third and fourth steps the content validity was established and calculated by means of the Aiken’s V method respectively. In the fifth step inter and intra observer reliability were tested by using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, the intraclass correlation coefficient and the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient. The instrument designed has been proved to be valid and reliable for the analysis of shooting streaks in men’s professional basketball.


Team sport; Performance; Content validity; Aiken’s V; Shooting streaks

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Copyright (c) 2017 Ernesto Moreno, Miguel A. Gomez Ruano