The coach as youth players’ mentor: study of positive coach-athlete relationships

Jose Manuel Sánchez Galán, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Sergio Lorenzo Jiménez Saiz, Jorge Lorenzo Calvo


The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of the coach as mentor of basketball youth players. A qualitative study was conducted. The sample (12 dyads coach-athlete, N=24) was deliberately selected, discriminating variables set by the specific literature as determining criteria for improving the relationship (sports team level, characteristics of the coach, duration of the relationship, and quality of the relationship). Results revealed the influence of the different components of the relationship in players’ personal growth, as a result of a close relationship based on support and personal care.


Coach-athlete relationship; Basketball; Mentoring; Youth sport

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Copyright (c) 2017 Jose Manuel Sánchez Galán, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Sergio Lorenzo Jiménez Saiz, Jorge Lorenzo Calvo