Physical activity, body image and personal self-concept in female Mexican university students

Humberto Blanco Vega, Elia Verónica Benavides Pando, José Leandro Tristán Rodríguez, Daniel Mayorga-Vega


The main purpose of the present study was to construct a predictive model of the personal self-concept from physical activity and body image in female Mexican young adults through structural equation modeling. A total of 515 female aged 18-25 years old completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Personal Self-concept Questionnaire and modified Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire. The results of structural equation modeling showed that regular physical activity, through the subjective importance of fitness and importance of physical appearance, has an indirect positive effect on personal self-concept in the dimension of emotional self-concept and this in turn has a direct positive effect on autonomy (and indirect through self-fulfillment). The proposed model obtains a satisfactory fit, accounting for 63% of the variance in personal self-concept in the dimension of autonomy (variable criteria).


Physical activity; Physical appearance; Self-fulfillment; Autonomy; Structural equations

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