Controlling coach style, basic psychological need thwarting and ill-being in soccer players

Lidón Mars Aicart, Isabel Castillo Fernández, Jeanette López-Walle, Isabel Balaguer Solá


Grounded on basic psychological needs theory the aim of this paper was to test a model following the sequence: perceived coach controlling interpersonal style - basic psychological needs thwarting – player feelings of discomfort. 433 young male football players (Mage = 13.58 ± 0.56) responded to the variables of interest. Structural equation modeling results showed that perceived controlling interpersonal style positively predicted the players’ basic psychological needs thwarting, which in turn positively predicted their burnout, their negative affects and their symptoms of physical and psychological discomfort. Indirect effects of coach controlling interpersonal style on feelings of disaffection indicators through basic psychological needs thwarting, were also found. The results compel us to think about the adverse consequences of the controlling contexts created by authority figures over young football players.


Controlling style; Basic needs; Negative affects; Burnout; Discomfort symptoms

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