Factor composition of the imagen questionnaire in Mexican university students

Omar Benjamin Solis Briceño, Humberto Blanco Vega, Natalia Solano Pinto, Gabriel Gastélum Cuadras


The aim of this study is to obtain psychometric data for the evaluation of dissatisfaction with body image Questionnaire (Solano-Pinto y Cano-Vindel, 2010). A total of 411 Mexican university students participated (average of age = 20.65 ± 1.92 years) in this study. The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed trough exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results showed a feasible and adequate structure of five factors (perceptual, emotional distress, behavioral, approach change and anxiety), with adequate fit indices of reliability and validity, according to statistical and substantive criteria. However, the obtained model does not fully coincide with that propose by the authors of the test, but continues giving support to the multifactorial component of body dissatisfaction. Future research should replicate these findings in wider samples.


Instrumental study; Factor structure; Construct validation; Body image

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