Sport Psychology: From José María Cagigal to the present

Marta Pérez-Villalba, Jesús Fernández-Gavira, Rosana Llames-Lavandera, Jerónimo García-Fernández


This article reviews the evolution of the Sport Psychology, from its full inclusion in the disciplines of study of the sports phenomenon, to the variability of studies that are currently being developed in this field. The previous researches carried out, the international recognition, and the consolidation of Sport Psychology as scientific research field are reviewed. At the same time, the interdisciplinary nature is reflected through José María Cagigal, who during his career studied the connection of psycho-pedagogical knowledge as a phenomenon immersed and intrinsic to sports. That evolution has lasted to the present maintaining the classic variables of study in high performance sports, such as the motivation or the anxiety; but also introducing new fields of study such as health and / or the promotion of physical activity; all without forgetting the importance of establishing a good connection between research and application, and without losing the scientific rigor of validation and reliability both in the works carried out and in the instruments used in research.


Sport; Psychology; Cagigal; Evolution

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