Pre-competitive anxiety in U12, U14 and U16 paddle tennis players

Alberto Rodríguez Cayetano, Antonio Sánchez Muñoz, José Manuel De Mena Ramos, José María Fuentes Blanco, Raimundo Castaño Calle, Salvador Pérez Muñoz


The main aim of this research is to analyze the level of precompetitive anxiety in female paddle players and male paddle players of Castilla y León in the categories U12, U14 and 16 before the beginning of the competition. Thus, 221 players participated in the study: 100 female athletes and 121 male athletes. The results showed that the level of self-confidence of athletes is higher than the levels obtained in the cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety, respectively. In relation with the sex of the athletes, male players showed higher levels in self-confidence and somatic anxiety, while the female players counted higher on cognitive anxiety. Finally, depending on the category in which they compete, U12 players are those who have more confidence in themselves, whereas U16 players are those who counted higher in the variables of cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety.


Cognitive anxiety; Somatic Anxiety; Self-confidence; Paddle Tennis

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