Physical activity distribution and differences in its related processes of change strategies in adolescents

Youngho Kim, SooJin Kang, Jin Hwang


The purpose of the present study was to identify physical activity distribution of Korean adolescents and explore differences in cognitive and behavioral processes of change by the stages of physical activity among Korean adolescents. A total of 988 adolescents randomly selected from junior high and high schools in Seoul were surveyed. Stage of physical activity change questionnaire and processes of change questionnaire were used to identify the stages of physical activity and the processes of change construct of adolescents. Results indicated that physical activity pattern of Korean adolescents were different by each stage of physical activity. Female adolescents were more likely to be in the contemplation stage, whereas males were more likely to be in the maintenance. In addition, significant differences were revealed in use of processes of change constructs through stages of physical activity. The use of cognitive and behavioral strategies increased from precontemplation through maintenance. This study provides some insights into the physical activity habits and the TTM components of increasing physical activity levels in the adolescent populations.


Physical activity; Processes of change; Transtheoretical model; Adolescents

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