Academic Performance Relation with Physical Fitness in Adolescents

Germán Pertusa, Daniel Sanz-Frías, Juan José Salinero, Benito Pérez-González, Teresa Garcia-Pastor


The aim of the study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the physical activity level and fitness condition over the academic performance of secondary school students in Leganes. The sample consisted of 1348 adolescents of both sexes aged between 14 and 18 years (M =15.65±.97), all of them students from 13 schools of the town of Leganes, Madrid. To measure the physical activity level, a modified version of the Assessment of Physical Activity Level Questionnaire (APALQ) was utilized. The assessment of their fitness condition was performed via the administration of the FITNESSGRAM test battery. The academic performance was measured by the number of failed subjects during the last term. Regarding their level of cardio respiratory fitness, we found significant differences between students who failed one or more subjects and those who did not fail any subjects (p=0.016). There were no significant differences in grip strength, flexibility or physical activity level. In conclusion, students who perform better academically have higher levels of cardiovascular fitness. 


Academic performance; Physical activity habits; Fitness; Physical education; Adolescents

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