The impulsivity determines the role performed by futsal players

Alfonso Castillo-Rodríguez, Iker Madinabeitia, Alberto Castillo-Díaz, David Cárdenas, Francisco Alarcón


Futsal is a sport known and practiced by millions of people around the world. However, there are few scientic studies about distinct facets of personality associated with impulsive behavior, which can help coaches to optimize their sport performance. e aim of this study was to analyze the variables related to impulsivity in elite futsal players, based on their playing position. In this study participated 111 elite futsal players (age M = 25.44, DT = 4.62) of the National Futsal League in the 2014/2015 season. e UPPS-P impulsivity questionnaire adapted was used and an ANOVA test was performed taking into account the playing position (goalkeepers, defenders, wings and wing defenders, pivots and wing pivots and universal). e results showed a lower score in the impulsivity traits, specically in the sensation seeking dimension, in those players with a defensive role, and particularly in the goalkeepers compared with the universals (p <.05). In addition, a prole of greater general impulsivity is observed in the pivots, wing-pivots and universals. In conclusion, this study has shown the existence of certain di!erentiated proles of impulsivity among the futsal players according to their role. Although we must be cautious expecting the conrmation of future studies, these ndings highlighted the convenience of considering personality traits as predictors of performance in talent detection and development programs in this sport.


Impulsivity; Sensation seeking; Personality; Futsal; Playing position

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