The effects of including changes of direction (COD) in the high intensity interval training (HIIT) on heart rate and the rate of perceived exertion in young basketball players

Yara Grimal, Alberto Lorenzo


In basketball there is a constant change of intensities in the actions, therefore, it is considered necessary to improve the capacity of repetition of efforts at high intensity. In this sense, high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a very useful training method. Therefore, the objectives of the present investigation are two. On one hand, to discover if the application of a HIIT program in young players causes an increased effective stimulus in order to achieve the physical demands inherent to competition. On the other hand, to discover the influence of changes in direction (COD) in the heart rate and the perception of effort. During four weeks, ten young basketball players (15.01±0.45 years), performed a protocol 15s-15s (90% VIFT) with one or two CODs. The results showed a HRmean in one COD of 167.78±8.80 and 178.52±6.18 (p=0.028) with two CODs, these rates are within the HRmean that basketball players usually display during competition. The RPEmean value was 7.79 ± 0.19, but without significant di&erences between one and two COD. According to the results obtained, it is concluded that this protocol causes higher physiological demands than what is usual during an offcial competition, where two CODs produce the highest values, so they could be beneficial for the improvement of both aerobic capacity and high intensity actions.


HIIT; COD; Basketball; HR; RPE

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