Validation of games and emotions scale (GES-II) to study emotional motor experiences

Pere Lavega-Burgués, Jaume March-Llanes, Jorge Moya-Higueras


Any teacher or coach should have an instrument to study the emotional experiences of a game or sport. The objective of this study was to compare the behavior of the basic emotions in different games, according to the Bisquerra model (MBI) and the internationally agreed biopsychological model (MBPS), through the validated Emotions and Games Scale (GES). We studied 502 university students, who after participating in games of different categories answered the questionnaires GES, PANAS and POMS. The MBPS had a better fit in absolute adjustment indexes, confirmatory factor analysis, parsimony indexes, construct validity and convergent tests. The findings suggest using the GES with the two factors and five basic emotions identified by the MBPS: positive emotion (joy), negative emotion (anger, fear, sadness and rejection).


Factor analysis; Questionnaire; Basic emotions; Game; Emotional awareness

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