Influence of vibration training on pain and quality of life in women older than 65 years old

María Victoria Palop Montoro, Juan A. Párraga Montilla, Milagros Arteaga Checa, Emilio D. Lozano Aguilera


The objective of our study was to evaluate the effects of an exercise program supplemented with vibration training on pain and quality of life in women over 65 years. 52 physically active and independent women, 65 and older, were randomized into two groups: exercise (n = 26) and the same supplemented with vibration training program (n = 26). Both groups performed two sessions per week for 12 weeks. Pain through verbal numeric scale and quality of life related to health with the SF-12 questionnaire were evaluated. Statistical significance was set at p < .05. After the intervention there were significant changes in pain in the experimental group compared to control and quality of life related to health, both mental and physical dimensions in favor of the group implemented vibrations. The results suggest that a three-month vibration training as a complement to physical exercise reduces pain and improves quality of life for women over 65.


Vibration training; Physical exercise; Pain; Quality of life; Older women

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