“L´Eliana: School of Values”. A Program of Transmission of Values through Sport
Sports practice is not only a way to be in shape or to have fun, but also a tool to inculcate and promote prosocial values. For this reason, the program "L'Eliana: school of values" was designed with the objectives of achieving a quality sports education, promoting the emotional and social development of young people, promote an environment where coexistence and values are integrated into sports practice and educate in the comprehensive global development of athletes as people. The program involved 461 users of the Municipal Sports Schools of l'Eliana, the satisfaction survey gathered a sample of 356 people. The variables collected were reason for practice, value of their sport, presence of value in their training, and importance of work in values. The most chosen practice motives were social and competitive, while fun and improving health or the physical result in lesser results. The results showed that the values are distributed in a balanced way, although cooperation, overcoming and discipline stand out. Most of the sample (81.5%) considers that work in values is very important in sports practice. On the other hand, 49.1% consider that the values are quite or very present in their sports practice. The program 'Sport: School of Values' demonstrated its effectiveness in the process and results evaluations. However, it is necessary to extend the intervention over time and guarantee its application in the daily training systems.
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